This year I am doing my "resolutions" a little differently. I love working towards a goal and I figured this year I will pick a goal to accomplish every month. From No Shop January to finding something to volunteer for in October. These goals get me to accomplish or try something I've been putting of doing every month. I have never done this type of resolution or seen anyone do this but I randomly thought of it and decided it would be fun to try. I am printing out a cute version of these monthly goals to hang by our calendar to keep me on track. I cant wait to report back to you with how it is going. So here is my list...
January- No Shop January
I am doing a no shop January, no clothes no home decor no makeup etc. I don't think I have ever made it an entire month without shopping. After Christmas and my house full of "stuff" it kind of makes me realize we have so many things and I don't need more. Because of this no shopping thing I also have been working in my closet working on finding clothes that I truly love and fit me well and then donating the things that I haven't worn or don't fit me well.
February- Meatless 1 day a week
I have been wanting to do this. I do not eat meat for breakfast and lunch a few days a week but I only have had a few meatless dinners in 2019. So my goal this month is to go meatless one day a week and try and find good options for our entire family to eat for dinner. My Husband is so not on board with this monthly goal but I am excited to try and show him you can feel full without always having to have meat.
March- Read A Book
I listen to at least 2 books a month but I hardly ever sit down and read. So my goal is to swap tv time for reading and hopefully even Jay on board to read with me.
April- Catch Up On Photos
This month is dedicated to catching on baby books, family albums, printed pictures. I do a family album every year on websites like Shutterfly or other websites. But I struggle to get them done. Having this as a monthly task will be a great thing for me. Plus I have 1,000s of photos floating around I really need to look through them and decide which to keep or toss and then put them in al album or box. I actually think this will be one of my biggest jobs as I have tubs and tubs of photos.
May- 30 days of Exercise
This one won't be that hard for me but sometimes I need an extra boost and this comes at a good time with summer approaching.
I am doing a no shop January, no clothes no home decor no makeup etc. I don't think I have ever made it an entire month without shopping. After Christmas and my house full of "stuff" it kind of makes me realize we have so many things and I don't need more. Because of this no shopping thing I also have been working in my closet working on finding clothes that I truly love and fit me well and then donating the things that I haven't worn or don't fit me well.
February- Meatless 1 day a week
I have been wanting to do this. I do not eat meat for breakfast and lunch a few days a week but I only have had a few meatless dinners in 2019. So my goal this month is to go meatless one day a week and try and find good options for our entire family to eat for dinner. My Husband is so not on board with this monthly goal but I am excited to try and show him you can feel full without always having to have meat.
March- Read A Book
I listen to at least 2 books a month but I hardly ever sit down and read. So my goal is to swap tv time for reading and hopefully even Jay on board to read with me.
April- Catch Up On Photos
This month is dedicated to catching on baby books, family albums, printed pictures. I do a family album every year on websites like Shutterfly or other websites. But I struggle to get them done. Having this as a monthly task will be a great thing for me. Plus I have 1,000s of photos floating around I really need to look through them and decide which to keep or toss and then put them in al album or box. I actually think this will be one of my biggest jobs as I have tubs and tubs of photos.
May- 30 days of Exercise
This one won't be that hard for me but sometimes I need an extra boost and this comes at a good time with summer approaching.
I had a high school friend come visit this October that I hadn't seen in nearly 5 years it was the best thing in the entire world. Reconnecting is truly good for your soul.
June- Reconnecting
This month my challenge is to reconnect or visit a relative of friend that you have lost touch with. I have a great Aunt that I talk to on the phone but rarely go see so I hope this month I can go visit her. Then I also plan on maybe reaching out to a friend that I have lost touch with and reconnect.
July- Phoneless
This month goal is to put the phone down every night from 5-8pm and just focus on the kids and family time. I love summer family time and this is when we are outside from 4pm. This is also the month we take our big family trip to the lake and I'd love to be even more disconnected this year. Time with our kids is truly a gift so I think I could be better about soaking it all in.
August- Try Something Out of Your Comfort Zone
I am actually doing this right now by trying a barre program for my workouts and going meatless once a week in Feb
is for sure out of my comfort zone. But I love to keep challenging myself. I don't really know what this will be but I look forward to finding something that challenges me.
September - Clean Out a Room
Our garage could use some serious TLC like major overhaul TLC so I am planning on this being our goal for September.
October - Volunteer
Good ole fashion volunteering. I hate to admit this but I haven't volunteered in quite a few years. I used to all the time with church and other events. So I decided this is something I really miss doing and I'd love to get back into. Ultimately I'd love to find an organization to donate my time to for events since that is in my wheel house but for this I am just finding an event or activity to volunteer for.
November- Finances
BARF this is my least favorite thing to talk about I basically just tell my Husband Dad or Brother to handle everything. But I know that is silly so this month I plan on sitting down with my Husband and hearing him out finally on our retirement plans and all of his other future financial plans. I am so thankful my Husband LOVES investing and all things in the finance world. It has given me a little bit of a pass in not having to be so on top of it but I think it is time we sit down and I actually hear him out.
This month my challenge is to reconnect or visit a relative of friend that you have lost touch with. I have a great Aunt that I talk to on the phone but rarely go see so I hope this month I can go visit her. Then I also plan on maybe reaching out to a friend that I have lost touch with and reconnect.
July- Phoneless
This month goal is to put the phone down every night from 5-8pm and just focus on the kids and family time. I love summer family time and this is when we are outside from 4pm. This is also the month we take our big family trip to the lake and I'd love to be even more disconnected this year. Time with our kids is truly a gift so I think I could be better about soaking it all in.
August- Try Something Out of Your Comfort Zone
I am actually doing this right now by trying a barre program for my workouts and going meatless once a week in Feb
is for sure out of my comfort zone. But I love to keep challenging myself. I don't really know what this will be but I look forward to finding something that challenges me.
September - Clean Out a Room
Our garage could use some serious TLC like major overhaul TLC so I am planning on this being our goal for September.
October - Volunteer
Good ole fashion volunteering. I hate to admit this but I haven't volunteered in quite a few years. I used to all the time with church and other events. So I decided this is something I really miss doing and I'd love to get back into. Ultimately I'd love to find an organization to donate my time to for events since that is in my wheel house but for this I am just finding an event or activity to volunteer for.
November- Finances
BARF this is my least favorite thing to talk about I basically just tell my Husband Dad or Brother to handle everything. But I know that is silly so this month I plan on sitting down with my Husband and hearing him out finally on our retirement plans and all of his other future financial plans. I am so thankful my Husband LOVES investing and all things in the finance world. It has given me a little bit of a pass in not having to be so on top of it but I think it is time we sit down and I actually hear him out.
December - Act of Kindness or Giving
Each year at Christmas instead of adopting a family we put together backpacks for foster children full of winter coats, pajamas, clothes, gift cards, tooth brushes, toys, etc. This was our 3rd year doing that and I hope this is something we can continue to do during the holidays. If you can't donate money or items then you can always do an act of kindness like paying for the persons coffee behind you in line or by volunteering.
So as you can see I have some things to check off my already full list. But I love challenging myself and I think there are a few things that Jay will actually join me in doing certain months. I look forward to reporting back and checking in with how I am doing on my monthly goals. So far I am 8 days in of no shopping and going strong!
Each year at Christmas instead of adopting a family we put together backpacks for foster children full of winter coats, pajamas, clothes, gift cards, tooth brushes, toys, etc. This was our 3rd year doing that and I hope this is something we can continue to do during the holidays. If you can't donate money or items then you can always do an act of kindness like paying for the persons coffee behind you in line or by volunteering.
So as you can see I have some things to check off my already full list. But I love challenging myself and I think there are a few things that Jay will actually join me in doing certain months. I look forward to reporting back and checking in with how I am doing on my monthly goals. So far I am 8 days in of no shopping and going strong!