So this blog post is all about what I learned last week about being a Mom. Being a Mom is hard. I'm a stay at home mom and I can't tell you how much I still rely on HELP! For some reason there is a lot of guilt for me when it comes to asking for help especially from Jay. This past week was more challenging than normal. Jay was on a 7 day in a row stretch at work, Leo was coming off being sick for a week, Monroe was starting to get sick, I was still not feeling better (I've been sick for a month), it was my birthday week, and we have a billion things on our calendar, And I just needed help.
I feel extreme lucky that I get to stay home with my kids. I love it... I take joy in crafts, playdoh, cooking and all things homemaker. And a lot of the time I feel like I have it all handled. Mind you I live across the street from my parents and less than a mile away from my in laws so I have access to help when I need it, but don't often utilize it. And when Jay is working I personally feel like I shouldn't ask him for help. After long 12 hour days when he comes home I feel guilty asking him to help with the kids. I know you guys are going to stay he is their Dad don't feel guilty. But I feel like after his crazy day in the ER he needs some peace and quiet. But this week was quite different...
Thank God For Grandmas!
Poor little Monroe is sick and it started to progress and it freaked me out. First, I called my in laws and asked my father in law to come check her out. Secondly, they offered to go pick up her nebulizer and medicine I accepted the help. My father in law came with me to the hopstial to get Monroe a chest X-ray and my MIL watched Leo and once again I accepted every bit of help! My mom was just a phone call away all week when I needed help doing a breathing treatment or soothe a fussy baby. She offered to take Leo overnight so I could go to bed early since I've been up every 3 hours with Monroe.... and I accepted the help. . Finally after another night of being up with a sick baby I asked my husband to take the kids for an hour in the morning and let me sleep in. This week was humbling for me. I realized how important help is for us and how lucky we are to have it.
I feel like as a SAHM if I can't do it all then I'm failing a bit. But I accepted that things aren't always going to be perfect and that is ok. It is ok for your house to not be spotless. It is ok to hire a house cleaner, to call your mom and ask for help, or to ask your husband to let you sleep. It's ok to let your toddler watch his iPad because you need to soothe a sick baby. And through it all to remember to give yourself a little grace. Raising little humans is hard, raising sick little humans is even harder. Mom's have a thankless job whether you are a working mom or stay at home mom it doesn't matter. We are all in the thick of it together so ask for help when you need it and give yourself a little grace because chances are you are doing an amazing job.
I don't know how much of a "blog post" this is. But it is my thoughts from a tough week. We are on the mend here, Jay is off work for a few days, it is Leo's birthday week and it is supposed to snow!
I don't know how much of a "blog post" this is. But it is my thoughts from a tough week. We are on the mend here, Jay is off work for a few days, it is Leo's birthday week and it is supposed to snow!