It is finally time to show you all Monroe's nursery. As I've talked about before I went ALL GIRL on this room! It was a bit overwhelming for me the first few days especially the purple paint but I do love how it turned out. I know one day the wallpaper will have to come down and she will ask to paint the tongue and groove white but until then we will relish all the colors and patterns.
See it is really girlie! I did a ton of pinning on pinterest and decided to go with wallpaper in her room. I figured there would be plenty of time in life for "neutrals" and for both Leo and Monroe I wanted their rooms to be colorful and fun. I am not afraid of color but this wallpaper was a stretch for me. I searched and searched for wallpaper and ended up finding this online at Spoonflower. I wanted a big pattern and one that stands out and this surely does. I also found a local guy in town to install it, he did a good job but was REALLY hard to get ahold of. You can message me if you want his information because finding someone to do wallpaper locally (Tri-Cities) is a nightmare (and costly I didn't know that part until buying all the wallpaper).

This is Leo's old crib but I got her all new bedding from Pottery Barn Kids. I kind of mixed and matched different bedding.
After a week of searching Etsy I found a place to have her name sign made. I wanted something to break up all the pattern so having her name above her crib does this. I found this wooden sign on etsy for around $100. I had a great experience with them you can check them out HERE!
The little plant in the corner is one of my favorite things in her room. I love the height it adds as well as some greens to match the wallpaper!
Another big part of her room was the swan I found online from England.... then after ordering I saw it in the Restoration Hardware Kids catalog. I thought I was being so original but clearly I wasn't. Why so many swans in her room you ask? If you have been to Sun Valley Lodge before you would have seen the big swans in the pond in front the lodge. I have always loved them and that spurred me to bring a little of bit of something special to me into her room.
Well that is the grand tour of her room. She has yet to sleep in there but I do enjoy going in everyday and picking out her clothes. I love how it came together and I am so glad I decided to go with more color. We had originally thought about painting the tongue and groove in a cream color but went for it with the light purple. I am so glad we did, but I just was sure to used a lot of white accents to break up the color. I hope one day she love it as much as I do.

The Room Deets:
Wallpaper- Spoonflower
Tongue and Groove- MC Construction *amazing finish work!
Paint- Standard Paint and Flooring
Crib- Pottery Barn Kids
Dresser- Wayfair
Monroe Sign- Etsy
Swan- Restoration Hardware *similar
Light Fixture- Pottery Barn Kids
Bedding- Pottery Barn Kids
Curtains- Pottery Barn Kids
Family Update:
In other news Monroe is almost 7 weeks. She is still an easy little baby and is sleeping like a champion. I can't believe she is almost 2 months it went by so fast.
Leo is doing good starting to adjust to the baby being all the time, he doesn't show a ton of interest but does like to know where she is at all times.
I am feeling finally like myself, I was able to start working out last week and that has felt so good. My workouts are slow and steady but it is nice to feel like I have my energy back. I won't be able to get to the gym as often as I'd like so I am looking into to doing either Beach Body videos or using the Sweat app by Kayla Itsines. I'll keep you posted on what I chose to go with. Jay has been back to work now for over a month now but I will look forward to his days off. As easy as Monroe is she is still a NEWBORN BABY which isn't a walk in the park. But we have survived 2 weeks of swing and night shifts and are starting to figure out a routine. It was no easy task I feel for all you single mamas or husbands travel for work, it is no joke trying to get a healthy dinner on the table, kids bathed and to bed. It was so easy with just one but the jump from 1 to 2 is noticeable. I am planning on doing a little post on my survival tips and what has worked for me with the transition.