Ang introduced us all Monday to Oatbox and the wonderful product it is. I have been loving having this granola in our house, more importantly my Husband has loved being my guinea pig as I have tested out different recipes. These two recipes are my favorite thus far. You don’t always have to be as fancy as these recipes, I have been making my husband a quick snack of greek yogurt, any berries or fruit i have in the house, and some oats on top. It’s a quick and delicious meal you can grab when running out of the house! I highly recommend Oatbox and I love that you can skip shipments and there is no contract. I know personally two full size bags have lasted us two months, but we will be ready for another shipment soon! Here are my two favorite recipes, I hope you enjoy!!
Recipe #1 – Banana Rolled In Peanut Butter and Molasses, Banana, & Pecan Halves Granola
Ingredients: (Serves 2)
- 1 Banana
- 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or almond butter
- 1/4 cup OatBox Molasses, Banana, & Pecan Halves Granola
- 1/4 (ish) cup Vanilla Greek Yogurt
- Optional: Raspberries *I never use recipes I cook by taste so feel free to add more or less of the oats and peanut butter
Directions: Cut Banana in two halves. Spread peanut butter over the banana. Roll in OatBox oats. Serve with vanilla yogurt and raspberries. I made this for my husband and I as a snack over the weekend. It was very filling and was enough food for two of us. Not only do adults love this, but this would be a great healthy snack to serve to kids. This granola tastes great and my girlfriend a registered dietitian looked at the back of the box and said it had one of the lowest amount of sugar (9 g per serving) she has ever seen in a granola. She was super impressed with the ingredients in the granola and how healthy it was. So not only is it tasty, but it’s also healthy! Win Win!
Recipe #2 – Earl Grey, Chia, Quinoa Souffle and Orange Oat Parfait
1/4 Cup Earl Grey, Chia, Quinoa Souffle, and Orange Granola
1/4 Cup Honey Greek Yogurt
1/4 of a Mango, cubed
Sprinkle of Unsweetened Dried Coconut Flakes
1/4 Cup Earl Grey, Chia, Quinoa Souffle, and Orange Granola
1/4 Cup Honey Greek Yogurt
1/4 of a Mango, cubed
Sprinkle of Unsweetened Dried Coconut Flakes
Directions: Layer the granola, yogurt, mango, and coconut flakes into a cute little mason jar. Keep layering until you have filled the cup. This one is super simple!