As you know I’m a lover of Crossfit, spin and kickboxing (btw kickboxing is the most amazing workout ever). It is all high intensity interval training and it works! Here is an article that explains more about HIIT for any of you that are interested. I personally do HIIT every time I workout, unless I’m on a long run, but even then I’m changing my pace between miles. I’m a HIIT addict, I am the type of person that doesn’t feel like I’m getting a good workout in unless I feel like I’m about to puke and drenched in sweat. So yoga, barre3, pilates, just don’t work for me… in a perfect world I would try to incorporate some of those types of exercises into my life, but that hasn’t happened yet. I find that you can turn any workout into a HIIT workout. I was home recently and only had 20 minutes to get a quick workout in, so I hopped on my parents exercise bike and did 20 minutes of Tabata’s (20 sec working at 80-90% 10 sec rest and repeat), it is an easy way to get a efficient workout in on a stationary bike, elliptical, stair stepper (my fav) or even a nordic track ski machine:)
When I was at home I also went on a run with my dog (well I attempted to go on a run), but due to the heat (it was 80+ degrees) my dog wasn’t having it. So after a mile I stopped at the park, let my dog lay down under the shade and I made up my own HIIT workout. I’d like to share a few with you. The fun part about these is you can totally make them up, you don’t need weights all you.
Outdoor Workout 1:
Using a park bench:
Outdoor Workout 2:
15 Minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in that time limit)
Outdoor Workout 3: At the Track
Like I said have fun with these and most importantly change them up! Here are a few more of my favorite exercises that I add in….
walking lunges
mountain climbers
hand walks
up down plank
Bonus Full Body Tabata Workout:
Outdoor Workout 1:
Using a park bench:
- 20 Box Jumps or Step-ups
- 30 Second Rest
- 20 Tricep Dips
- 30 Second Rest
- 50 Yard Sprint
- Jog Back (this is your “active rest”)
Outdoor Workout 2:
15 Minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in that time limit)
- 200 Meter Sprint (yes a sprint)
- 20 Air Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
Outdoor Workout 3: At the Track
- Sprint the straights and jog the corners
- At the end of each lap STOP and complete the following:
- 10 push ups
- 30 bicycles
Like I said have fun with these and most importantly change them up! Here are a few more of my favorite exercises that I add in….
walking lunges
mountain climbers
hand walks
up down plank
Bonus Full Body Tabata Workout: