There are so many yucky bugs going around so I thought I'd do a two part series on colds and flus. The first post will be about preventing sickness in your house and the second post will be about what to do when the cold or stomach flu enters your house. Hopefully these will keep you guys healthy this winter.
The #1 way to stay healthy is to WASH YOUR HANDS. My husband's hands are literally cracked and so dry from him washing his hands at work. The best thing you can do is wash your hands and keep your kiddos hands washed. Although I think washing your hands with warm soapy water that always isn't the case on the go so I do have about 3 bottles of hand sanitizer in my car. I use it after I'm in any public place, grocery store, gym, or handling money.
The next step after keeping your hands clean is sanitizing at home. I am constantly using lysol disinfecting wipes, I clean both my husband and I's phone daily. I clean the stearing wheel in my car, I constantly am wiping down all the handles in our kitchen. Keeping things germ free is the best way to start.
Keep your hands away from your face. The quickest way to get sick is to be touching your face. So makes sure you keep your hands away from your face and watch your little ones and try and discourage them for doing the same.
The most obvious step is staying away from people who are sick. It is sometimes hard to not see friends or family but ultimately it's the best thing we can do for ourselves. People are most contegious the first 3-4 days. This is a good thing to keep in mind if you are sick.
Make sure you give yourself 3-4 days to expose yourself to people. This is my huge pet peeve if you are sick stay home. The minute I notice Leo or anyone in my family getting sick and I notify people we have plans with and either cancel them or give the friend the option if they want to still get together. I know that is a long time to wait and not everyone can do that, so I'd at least recommend waiting 3-4 days to be around babies under 6 months and older people. These people who would most be effected by the cold or flu and it is so bad this year that do everyone a favor and stay home.
**** oh how I love looking back at these little baby photos of Leo!
(*Update I am still just as crazy as before. Yes Leo has gotten colds since but I think we have limited them by me being proactive. You are your child's voice so don't be afraid to speak up)
Healthy Lifestyle- I try as much as I can to eat healthy, workout regularly, and get plenty of sleep. The sleep thing is easy for me because I don't sacrfice on my sleep. I make it a priority. Leo goes down around 8 and Jay and I are usually in bed tv off by 10. Sleep is where your body gets a head start.
Take a Multi Vitamin- I could be better at this but we all should be taking a multi vitamin regularlly but my husband takes a multi vitamin EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Ok so for the next post I'll go over what to do when you have a cold or the flu. I hope you all stay healthy this winter!