That dreaded time of the year swimsuit season. It always takes so long to find the right suit for your body. I put together a big list of my favorite swimsuits from inexpensive amazon finds to more brand name suits. Swimsuits this season is most of them are already on sale due to corona so if you were wanting to get a new suit this is your year.
Amazon has been a great place to find suits. One thing about Amazon I will say is that you have to order quite a few and be ready to do some returns. This top pink one was my favorite find so far. $20 and pretty good quality!
Sometimes you gotta buy the mommy and me suits. I am not a big mommy and me kinda dresser but this one was too cute to pass up.
So as far as suits go I have found my favorites at Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, and oddly enough Old Navy. Some of my favorite suits that I wear with the kids in the pool are from Old Navy.
A black swimsuit is a must. I have had my 2 favorite black swimsuits for a few years they are both Becca brands and they truly last forever. Check my favorite black suits out below.
Shopping for kids swimwear is so fun. One brand I didn't include on here was Hanna Andersson. I have also had good luck with Gap swimsuits. They seem to be long lasting and a great price point.
So there you have it a simple swimsuit round up! Have a great weekend hopefully the weather where you are is nice and sunny and you can get outside.